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  1. Joining Voltus to work on climate!
  2. Why I'm turning my home into a virtual power plant
  3. Finding a job in climate as a front-end engineer
  4. How I work
  5. Command palettes for the web
  6. Easily upgrade Ghost 0.x to 2.0
  7. Which elements support shadow DOM?
  8. Why you can't test a screen reader (yet)!
  9. Hello, 2018!
  10. The future of accessibility for custom elements
  11. How to use Polymer with Webpack
  12. Don't use jQuery plugins with Shadow DOM
  13. Regarding the broken promise of Web Components
  14. Custom Elements That Work Anywhere
  15. Building better accessibility primitives
  16. Setting up Android Studio on Yosemite
  17. @font-face doesn't work in Shadow DOM
  18. Exploring HTML Imports
  19. nth-child is weird
  20. RequireJS: Embracing the Awesomness of AMD Modules
  21. HTML5 Template Tag: Introduction
  22. Asynchronous Grunt Tasks
  23. A RequireJS multi-page shimmed site: How-To
  24. JavaScript Design Patterns: Factory
  25. JavaScript Design Patterns: Decorator Update
  26. JavaScript Design Patterns: Decorator
  27. JavaScript Design Patterns: Observer
  28. JavaScript Design Patterns: Iterator
  29. JavaScript Design Patterns: Singleton
  30. JavaScript Design Patterns: Strategy
  31. JavaScript Design Patterns: Table of Contents
  32. Ending My First Chain
  33. Sublime Snippet Basics
  34. Sublime Text 2 Tips and Shortcuts
  35. Publish your Node library to npm
  36. How to Run a Node Script from the Command Line
  37. How To Write a Command Line Ruby Gem
  38. Writing a Command Line Tool in Ruby
  39. Let's Talk SMACSS
  40. CSS Semantics: Best Practices
  41. Building a Countdown Timer with pt. 3
  42. Building a Countdown Timer with pt. 2
  43. Building a Countdown Timer with
  44. Make Your Own jQuery Deferreds and Promises
  45. How to use EJS in Express
  46. Using jQuery Deferred to Load an Underscore Template
  47. Testing AMD Backbone Modules
  48. Mocking Requests with Mocha, Chai and Sinon
  49. Getting started with Mocha and Chai
  50. Backbone Events: Framework Communication
  51. Backbone Events: Adding Views to the DOM
  52. How do you switch between views in Backbone
  53. Exploring the Backbone Router and History API
  54. Some More Backbone.js Basics
  55. My First Chain
  56. Backbone Boilerplate: Playing with RequireJS
  57. Getting Familiar with Backbone Boilerplate
  58. Hacking the PATH variable in Sublime Text
  59. Pangrams in Ruby
  60. Building a Simple Scraper with Nokogiri in Ruby
  61. D3 Basics: The Linear Scale
  62. D3 Basics: An Introduction To Scales
  63. D3.js and Octopress
  64. Ruby Objects and Dot Syntax
  65. Playing with Ruby Dates
  66. A Basic RVM Tutorial for Rails 3
  67. Syntax Error: Unexpected tIDENTIFIER in Rails 3
  68. NoMethodError in Rails 3